FWS 1.1.7 - run "lpad admin refresh -s FIZZLED" to fix WF states of _allow_fizzled_parents jobs

**This notice concerns fixing a bug in FWS 1.1.6 and below: **

In FWS 1.1.6 and below, a workflow was marked as FIZZLED if any of its component Fireworks were FIZZLED. This caused problems with workflows containing _allow_fizzled_parents=True set in one or more Fireworks. In those instances, a user might consider the workflow to be COMPLETED despite containing a few FIZZLED Fireworks as long as the final jobs were completed. In FWS 1.1.7, this issue is fixed so that a Workflow is considered COMPLETED if all its leaf nodes (endpoint Fireworks) are COMPLETED, regardless of what happened upstream.

How to know if you are affected:

If your workflows include the “_allow_fizzled_parents” parameter in the spec, then you are likely affected; your workflows will appear in the FIZZLED state even if the final jobs have COMPLETED.

How to fix:

  1. Update FWS to 1.1.7

  2. Run the command “lpad admin refresh -s FIZZLED”

